This new collection from the iconic publisher proves that miracles happen every day to people from all walks of life. From miraculous connections like Sheila’s, to answered prayers, divine intervention, inexplicable healing, angel encounters, and messages from heaven, these stories from ordinary people who have had extraordinary experiences will deepen your faith and give you hope—that good things do happen to good people.
See Jan's story on page 189! This book goes on sale, February 6th, 2018 so pre-order your copy today.
Tired of Facebook or as we like to call it, Fakebook? Where everyone looks great, their kids are perfect and they are the June Cleavers of the twenty-first century? If so, welcome to Killing June Cleaver where we dispel the myths of the perfect life. Join the shit-storm of our lives. Parental guidance suggested and a glass of wine will help. We leave no age untouched from toddlers to teens to aging parents and workaholic husbands.