Social anxiety is... Fear in anticipation of social events
Social anxiety is not.... Being a party pooper or a buzz kill
Social anxiety is..... Exhaustion, irritability, or headaches and a need for down time following social events.
Social anxiety is not..... A lack of desire for connection or a hatred for interaction with others
Social anxiety is.... Feeling overwhelmed in large groups and crowded areas. Feeling claustrophobic, unable to breathe, or panicked. Feeling an overwhelming need to escape.
Social anxiety is not.... Simple nervousness
Social anxiety is.... Automatically and involuntarily cringing when the phone rings due to feeling unprepared and fear of saying something awkward and filling awkward silences
Social anxiety is not..... Blowing you off
Social anxiety is.... Sometimes needing to cancel social events or leave early
Social anxiety is not..... Flakiness
Social anxiety is...... Not knowing how to start or end conversations
Social anxiety is not.... A lack of intelligence
Social anxiety is.... Over thinking everything you said, if you said the right things, and what people were thinking
Social anxiety is not.... Craziness (whatever that is!)
Social anxiety is.... Low tolerance for small talk but often a preference for deep conversation with a trusted person
Social anxiety is not.... Being stuck up or standoffish
Social anxiety is.... Insecurity making friends
Social anxiety is not.... A lack of desire for friendship (often those who take a little longer to get to know make the most loyal frriends
Social anxiety is.... Needing to set boundaries and limits to preserve energy and sanity
Social anxiety is not.... Antisocial or rude behavior
Social anxiety is.... A type of anxiety disorder
Social anxiety is not.... All in the sufferer's head/simple nervousness
Note: This post is based on my own personal experience with social anxiety. It is not meant to represent all those who deal with social anxiety or generalized anxiety. Each person is different and not everyone with social anxiety will relate to each point. However, if you can relate to any of the above, you are not alone or weird. Please feel free to add your own experiences in the comments. Be gentle with the friends who don't always show up or stay long, or those friends who prefer one on one interactions or small groups to big parties.
Tired of Facebook or as we like to call it, Fakebook? Where everyone looks great, their kids are perfect and they are the June Cleavers of the twenty-first century? If so, welcome to Killing June Cleaver where we dispel the myths of the perfect life. Join the shit-storm of our lives. Parental guidance suggested and a glass of wine will help. We leave no age untouched from toddlers to teens to aging parents and workaholic husbands.
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