Thursday, January 22, 2015

Random Thoughts Thursdays

I thought I would start a trend. Every Thursday I will publish a random thoughts post. Yep, that is exactly what it sounds like - just a jumble of completely random, not sequential thoughts. Feel free to add your own.

I really like the new design that Jan put in our blog's background, don't you?

Why does my five year old tell me he doesn't feel good every day in the hopes that he can stay home from school? If it hasn't worked by not it isn't going to, and aren't five year olds supposed to like school? Besides, I don't feel good either and I still have to be Mom, so...

Why does my husband bother to tell me every morning that he will be able to "leave the office earlier tonight?" If it hasn't happened by now it probably won't

You know it is time to join your brother and sister in law in California when it hits twenty seven degrees and your kids say it is hot outside.

Having cats is a lot like having children except you can lock your cats in the basement when they misbehave and no one calls DCFS.

I wonder if my son really does tell his teacher that I am "being mean to him" like he threatens to. Note: being mean to him = giving him a times out.

I wonder if my son's teacher goes home and drinks heavily.

I wonder if the fact that I am wondering about my son's teacher is an indication that I need to get a life.

Enough about kids. Well, I guess I should add something about my two year old so he doesn't read this one day and tell his therapist that I mentioned his brother and not him. He has entered the why phase. That is all.

I am addicted to seltzer water. I seriously drink six cans a day. My mom says it is leaching calcium from my bones. I say I could have worse addictions.

I should really get off this computer and unpack the suitcase that has been sitting on my bedroom floor since we arrived home from California three weeks ago.

I find it ironic that we have many more appliance at our disposal than we did in June Cleaver's day and yet we still seem to be busier. I bet her hamper never overflowed. Then again, she wasn't distracted by going on Facebook and comparing herself to the other wives and mothers, so...

I would write more but my two year old wants to read a book and I don't want him to one day tell his therapist that Mom was too busy typing on the computer to read to him.

After I read a five page book seventy two times I am going to head upstairs and not unpack the suit case. Adult ADD is real, people.


  1. Why is it that when you're in a hurry, everyone in front of you drives below the speed limit?

  2. JAN- Why? Just to annoy you. That's our stock answer for Ellie and Alex whenever they ask a question. It is super-fun to say that, since it invariably annoys the HELL out of them. Heh heh heh... a mom's gotta have her fun tormenting her kids, after all.

    MS. SAHM-
    I wish I had that line, that "I don't feel too good either, but I still have to be the mom."
    My suitcases always sat on the floor for at LEAST three to five weeks upon returning to Indy from CA. Every. Time. I figure you have a couple more weeks before I start judging you, ha.
    The teacher probably loves your son, because our kids always act WAY better at school than they do for us at home. I promise, I've seen it at all ages that I've taught.
    And your son won't remember mom being on the computer when he wanted a book... at least Alex doesn't... he just has happy memories of playing playdough at the kitchen table while unbeknownst to him, next to him mommy was reading fanfics on her laptop.
    And show your mom this "There's a myth out there about [carbonation] leaching calcium from the bones, especially with sodas, but the research is just not there,"
    from here:

  3. JAN- Why? Just to annoy you. That's our stock answer for Ellie and Alex whenever they ask a question. It is super-fun to say that, since it invariably annoys the HELL out of them. Heh heh heh... a mom's gotta have her fun tormenting her kids, after all.

    MS. SAHM-
    I wish I had that line, that "I don't feel too good either, but I still have to be the mom."
    My suitcases always sat on the floor for at LEAST three to five weeks upon returning to Indy from CA. Every. Time. I figure you have a couple more weeks before I start judging you, ha.
    The teacher probably loves your son, because our kids always act WAY better at school than they do for us at home. I promise, I've seen it at all ages that I've taught.
    And your son won't remember mom being on the computer when he wanted a book... at least Alex doesn't... he just has happy memories of playing playdough at the kitchen table while unbeknownst to him, next to him mommy was reading fanfics on her laptop.
    And show your mom this "There's a myth out there about [carbonation] leaching calcium from the bones, especially with sodas, but the research is just not there,"
    from here:
