Yes, it happens. That wonderful piece of writing you know you will never be able to duplicate, doesn't get auto-saved or sent to the big cloud in the internet sky before you accidentally press the off button on your computer. An entire chapter and two days worth of revisions. This probably goes with Kat's Horrible Monday post but it happened to me today, Wednesday (well now it's actually Thursday and I am just starting to pull out of my self pity enough to post this). So, feeling a little blue, I asked my daughter, Julia to sing me a song and I thought I would share. #whenautosavedoesntsave
Tired of Facebook or as we like to call it, Fakebook? Where everyone looks great, their kids are perfect and they are the June Cleavers of the twenty-first century? If so, welcome to Killing June Cleaver where we dispel the myths of the perfect life. Join the shit-storm of our lives. Parental guidance suggested and a glass of wine will help. We leave no age untouched from toddlers to teens to aging parents and workaholic husbands.
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Needed a little Pick Me Up (after a chapter I spent hours writing didn't auto save!)
Yes, it happens. That wonderful piece of writing you know you will never be able to duplicate, doesn't get auto-saved or sent to the big cloud in the internet sky before you accidentally press the off button on your computer. An entire chapter and two days worth of revisions. This probably goes with Kat's Horrible Monday post but it happened to me today, Wednesday (well now it's actually Thursday and I am just starting to pull out of my self pity enough to post this). So, feeling a little blue, I asked my daughter, Julia to sing me a song and I thought I would share. #whenautosavedoesntsave
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